ad sense

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Grading system in universities

"Grade" this word decides your career,future,fate whatever you think. Getting a good grade is getting a good opportunity. Nobody here will wait for you until you have something special to describe about. So in this context GPA is the only thing you must keep in your mind. In USA what i have observed after my experience is every university has its own style of grading on the scale of 4. Some universities have A,B,C,D,F,N,S,W grades. Following describes about each letter.

N-not satisfactory (for research students)
S-satisfactory (for research students)

And some universities have A+,A,B+,B,B-,C+,C,C- which give the best results.

I strongly want to suggest you people is always consider the I-20 depending on the grading system of that particular university because a small change in grades will ruin the future.
For example- A student got B and his GPA is 3. And the same level student has got B+ and his GPA will be around 3.2. So here itself you can see the bloody difference. Please make sure you don't just blindly pick the I-20 you want think of its grading also.

My Verdict- The better grading policy the better are the openings for you.

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