ad sense

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

transcript evaluation

Hi friends, its been a long time meeting u all. I just want to share an information reg. some universities requiring more evaluation for our transcripts as they may not be satisfied with our universities.
Usually its enough to send our transcripts in a admission packet but after reaching there some universities requires it to evaluate one more time to know our GPA. This is known as WES evaluation. For this evaluation we need to pay some amount (may be 100dollars i dont know exactly).

These are the universities requires WES please make a note of them :

  1.  Fairfield University,  CT ( Selected Programs)
  2. Chicago State University, IL
  3. Florida A & M University
  4. Florida Atlantic University
  5. Middle Tennessee State University, TN
  6. New Mexico State University, las cruces, NM
  7. Northeastern Illinois University, KY
  8. San Diego State University, CA
  9. South Dakota State University
  10. St Cloud State University, MN (Selected Programs)
  11. University of Central Florida, FL
  12. University of Memphis
  13. University of Texas at Pan America, TX
  14. Villa nova University, PA ( CS Major)
  15. North Carolina A & T University
  16. Georgia Southern University
  17. California State University, Channel Islands
  18. Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN
  19. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, MA
  20. Oakland University, Michigan
  21. Santa Clara University, CA
  22. Sam Houston State University, TX
  23. SUNY New Paltz, NY
  24. Tennessee State University, TN
  25. University of Hartford, CT
  26. University of Louisville , KY
  27. University of Nevada Las Vegas
  28. University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC
  29. Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
  30. Long Island University, NY (Pharmacy)
  31. Texas A & M College Station , TX ( MIS Program)
courtesy : happyschoolsblog

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

flight ticket enquiries........

After this word every student thinks and plans of his/her destination point.(INDIA-USA).
Everyone of us needs the best deal for the flight rates for that reason we will be glancing many websites and some of us will be approaching flight agents. According to my experience i would say flight agents will offer a good/better/best deals to us. 

Students who are thinking of buying tickets of their own can visit following websites offering good deals.

Above links may be helpful to you visit them.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tips to crack VI ...........

The very next thing u prepare once u get an admit from ur dream univ is visa interview. Its not that easy if u are not aware of some important tips. VOs are there to give u visa until and unless ur profile is weak or presentation is dull. I have seen the case where a student has been rejected with a profile(GRE-1370 TOEFL-102 UG-79%) because of confidence levels and due to his presentation. So guys never giv a chance to consulate officers to eradicate u from embassy even though u have a very gud profile. Try to flatter them with your talkative skills project all ur positives first in front of VO. Never avert ur sight from VO always maintain a good eye contact.

These are some of the tips that u must be accustomed with and will help u definitely in obtaining an F-1.

F-1 Visa
Embassy Interview Tips
When you apply for an F-1 visa at an American embassy or consulate, a consular official
will interview you. The interview usually lasts only two or three minutes. It is good to
understand that the main purpose of the visa interview is for you to show strong reasons
why you WILL RETURN to your home country after finishing your academic program.
You can reassure the consular officials by talking about the things that tie you to your
home: family, property, and job opportunities when you return home.
Here are some specific suggestions to help you prepare for your visa interview:
1. You need to know and show what you will do with your degree from a U.S.
institution (or, if you want to attend an English language program, with your better
English) when you return home. You need to have good (plausible) future plans in
your own country.  You should know what the job situation is in your field in your
home country.
2.  You may be asked how you or your family will pay for your education at St. Norbert
College.  Be prepared to show the visa officer your parents’ bank books, not just bank
3.  You may be asked why you want to go to such a “small” or “unknown” college. Be
prepared to explain St. Norbert College ’s ranking in U.S. News & World Report.
Explain the advantages of a small university (2,000 students) compared to a large
university where you may not get much personal help and attention. Also, discuss the
major field you will study at St. Norbert College.
4. You should practice for the interview with friends. The practice interviews should be
no more than three minutes long and very unfriendly. While the consular officer will
probably be friendly in the real interview, it is best to be prepared for the worst.  If
you do not know very much about Saint Norbert College and the degree program that
you want to study, the consular official may refuse to give you a visa. Consular
officials may think that you are not really planning to go to school but are simply
trying to enter the U.S. to work.5.   If your financial status is an issue, you may want to pay tuition to the school in
advance and present the receipt to the consular official. The official will almost
certainly respect this gesture. Bank loans are NOT good evidence of financial support
for students. Consular officials think that people with loans are more likely to seek
employment in the U.S. so they can pay back the loan.
6.  You should be honest with consular officials at all times. For example, applicants in
some countries might not want to show their true financial status because they may be
trying to "shield" income from taxes. Thus, their financial statements may not show
this "black money" and so may not show enough money for education in the U.S.
      But, U.S. consular officials actually don't care at all if your family is hiding income
from your own government. They will, however, appreciate your honesty and be
much more likely to grant the visa if they know your true financial status.
      Conversely, if the consular officials believe that you are lying or have lied in a
previous interview--about anything--they will probably not issue the visa.
This page is adapted from the Oregon State University English Language Institute

-Be in your best attire.
-Don't wear dark colored shirts.
-Don't wear sport watches.
-Avoid wearing half-sleeves.
-Have a mild perfume.
-Trim ur hair perfectly don't be too hairy or small hair.
-Carry harmonium type folder arrange documents according to preference.
-Never talk to front or back persons in a line which will droop ur confidence levels.
- Have a light breakfast.
-Avoid beverages,fruit juices are fine.
-Be at embassy at least 30mins prior to ur appointment time.
-Never be more talkative or be too taciturn be moderate.
-Don't go with fancy beard or hair styles.
-Don't be too goldy too.
-No need of blazer.

ATB guys one can get VISA if the confidence is being maintained. According to me confidence comes first then comes ur presentation last but not least is ur profile..........GO VI WITH EASE THEN CRACKING VISA WILL BE VERY EASY.

Monday, July 23, 2012

all about GRE and TOEFL/IELTS

Please apologize me because this post should have been published before itself but i didn't do that.
Coming to the point in order to pursue MS u have to take GRE , TOEFL/IETLS accordingly as per ur need and univ's need. Of course these tests are no so easy as if u can do one day batting like in ur btech life. Minimum of 3 months preparation is required for GRE and 1 month for TOEFL/IELTS. 


W.E.F august 2011 pattern has been observed a tremendous change compared to the old one. This new pattern is of 340 marks of maximum, where quants-170 and verbal-170 and a separate section called AWA which is of 6.0 points where u need to score minimum of 3(my suggestion). All these 3 sections have their separate identities. In order to attain a admit from a top univ u need to have 80 percentile in quants and 32 percentile in verbal sections. Generally students face the problems while they start prep for GRE like which material they have to study so that they can get the most of it. I would suggest if u r going to any of the institutes say VISU they provide u the material where it covers all the syllabus required. Apart from that jus buy one BARRONS new edition and start ur prep. Remember all the tips and tricks given in the barrons. It is the best book for GRE preparation. First complete ur material and then turn ur vehicle to barrons workout whole book atleast 2 times and write the practice tests as many as possible. The main advantage in new pattern is we have no need to buttify 3000 or 4000 words. But minimum of 1000 words must b knownits a gud number. That help u out better in AWA and sentence equivalence. 

Lastly, score 300+ so that u have better opportunities from the univ and also there will be a chance for scholarship too.

NOTE: Never think that GRE can b done in 1 month i have seen cases where even 3 months prep left him with 290. The only thing is u need to have bean sized logic in ur brains thats enuf to fetch u a gud score.


These both tests are almost similar but i dont have much knowledge reg IELTS as i didn't take it. Both tests will be having 4 common sections(reading,listening,speaking and writing). TOEFL is of 120 marks where u have to score minimum of 80 and IELTS is of 9.0 bands where u have to score minimum of 6.5. First section is somewhat crucial for those who doesnt have much capability in reading. Coming to 2nd one passages can b easily understand if u have habit of watching english stuff. 3rd section depends on ur speaking skill if u r a chatter box and can manage in english then its a section offering u minimum of 22 in TOEFL. 4th section is almost similar to AWA in GRE. For prep of these 2 tests jus have a better book like BARRONS or DELTA's for TOEFL. 

NOTE : never take ur TOEFL test in other than prometric centres because some univ are cancelling the scores if they are skeptic and will b a problem during ur VI.

Both of these GRE and TOEFL tests are not the things where u start them on friday evening and complete them by sunday night and take test on monday morning. Tons of hard work is required to satisfy the selection pannel of the university.

ATB guys..........


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

visa process and questions with answers(just for ur idea)

Once all your process is completed the next thing you do is start your VISA process. In order to book an appointment you have some steps to follow.
1- go to HDFC bank and buy an application. Once you buy ur application u wil be getting a
     bar code which takes 48hrs to activate.
2- once ur barcode activates u must fill ur DS-160 form.
3- now u can book the date accordingly.
4- pay SEVIS prior to 72hrs of ur visa date ( i suggest u to pay 1 week before)

Find this link in order to find out your nearest HDFC bank.

Out of 100 students 95 become nervous during the VIs that leads them to poor performance. This disturbance occurs when you are not prepared for the VI properly or u have no proper documentation or u have low scores or it may b any reason for the rejection. Also confidence matters a lot.VO's are always kind they sit there to give us VISA but not for any other reason. Again Im insisting you never avert your confidence levels.
These are some of the best questions u must be prepared with. These answers are given for ur idea.
Please don't copy these or by hard these answers. These questions actually were prepared by myself when im about to attend my VI.

 Why do u want to go US?
To pursue master of science program in mechanical engineering at ___________ univ.
Why this univ?
Firstly I was impressed by the research work of prof._____ on ________ which is exactly I have in my mind and I definitely want to contribute my flair in that research work. Secondly, student to faculty ratio is very close to my mind which I thought, because the coordination between them makes every student to understand what the prof teach and also there can be a better interaction if this ratio is followed. Each and every individual can able to understand in this case.
Who will sponsor you?
My father, he is working as a __________ in _____________ since 23yrs.
How will u pay for ur stay in US?
I have fixed deposits of _____lakhs and also apart from that I have loan sanctioned for the amount ____lakhs from ____ bank which is sufficient for my tuition and for living till my masters is completed.
Why don’t u study this course in ur country?
It’s a well known thing that US has a world class education system than any other country in the world and they concentrate on practical side of the subject which helps students to grab the stuff easily and get injected to their brains, with this kind of approach students can become expertise in their particular subject. Of course these subjects are taught in our country but only to the extent of theoretical part and also to the examination point of view. So this is d reason y students like me are opting US for their higher education.
What are the other univ did u apply?
Why have u chosen this course?
This course is relevant  to my previous course i.e bachelors. By choosing relevant courses we can easily get on that and can understand the subject in a proper way.
GRE and TOEFl scores.
Gre – _________
toefl – __________
Who are there in your family?
My parents and my sister.

What do u knw abt the course u have chosen?
Do u intend to work in US?
My main aim is to complete my masters with good grades which helps me in fetching a govt job in my country. If given a chance I will work for TA or RA which helps in my future prospects.
What do u knw abt ur univ?
BU is one of d best known univ for mechanical engg  in US. Also it is ranked 6th in Midwest univ. As it is located near to Chicago it has better transportation. And student to faculty ratio is 1:13 which is the most important aspect that has be considered which helps the student to interact with his/her respective prof and gain the knowledge in the subject. Also the environment is very well organized by the univ that international students like me gets accustomed to it easily.
What wil u do after MS?
I have my dream job waiting for me in India. We have good opportunities in our country for MS candidate in central govt and state govt sectors. My dream is to be an senior section engineer in BHEL or IR.
How many yrs do u intend to stay in US?
Once I complete my masters I will be back to my home  country .
What is ur long term goal?
To work as a senior section engineer in BHEL/IR or work as a design engineer in any of the automobile sectors. I want to maintain my family only with my salary keeping my parents income in savings.

These are other type of questions:
Why masters?
I strongly believe that only by pursuing bachelors doesn’t enhance my knowledge in the field im interested in, so in order to attain that, masters is better option I have. Also if MS is done in countries like US I have very good opportunities in my home country.
Who said US is the best for studies?
It’s a universal truth that everyone is aware of. And by considering the latest top 500 university rankings throughout the world by major part are from US itself. This example is enough to say why students prefer students for their higher studies. Also my seniors my parents my other family members also suggested me the same.
Ur GRE and TOEFL scores are low why?
I do agree my scores are low. Because these were exactly in the mid of my hectic curriculum in 3-2 where I have to balance my academics my mini project and also concentrate on my semester exams. But this was the very important phase in my life where I hav learnt how to tackle multiple things in my life.
What will u do if ur visa is rejected?
Im confident and focused on my career and I have prepared for that accordingly. And till now I have done well in this interview and I believe consulate officials like you always encourage students who are focused on their career like me. If that is the case job is my 2nd priority I will gain some experience and apply for next FALL because MS is my aim since im in btech.
Scope of your course?
Yes my course which im about to do i.e specialization in Mech (mechine design) has very wide opportunities in India in firms like BHEL,IR,any automobile companies etc.

Also be prepared with every possible question so that we shouldn't give a chance to VO to screw us.

Will give you tips of VI in my next post.
ATB guys...................Do well never lose ur hope....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

how to contact a professor of a univ?.....

Student who is aiming for PhD in united states the first thing he/she must do is find out what research is going on in the univ and contact the resp professor and know his/her works and decide to join under them. Usually every professor of the univ will be receiving mails from students like you in hundreds and thousands its very difficult to read each and every email. Don't stop sending mails if u dont get reply from them send,send,send.....send what all you have to do is till u get reply is just send.
But there are some guidelines to be followed while u email ur professor so that he will be comfortable in knowing about you and your interests. This is just for an instance.........

Advice for Prospective Research Students

Like most professors, I get several hundred emails a year from prospective students interested in coming to UVa for graduate school and joining my research group. I try to reply to all messages that are not obviously spam, but find most messages I receive make me less likely to want to accept the students sending them. This page provides some advice for prospective grad school applicants considering emailing me, but most of it probably applies to any other professor you want to contact also.

Who To Contact

Its a really bad idea to send spam emails to long lists of professors. These emails will never help you, and some professors will maintain blacklists of applicants who do this to make sure their application is rejected without consideration.
Your goal in sending email is not to contact as many professors as you can, but to identify a few professors who you might want as your research advisor and then to find which of those seem most promising as advisors and convince them that you would be a worthwhile student.
You should only contact professors with whom you have a genuine interest in working based on knowing something about them and what they do. You can find out about professors' research by looking at their web pages (professors who don't have web pages about their research are either not interested in recruiting students, not doing any research, or so famous they probably have someone to filter their email for them).

Do Your Homework

Before contacting a potential advisor, do your homework: read the advisor's home page (mine is, and our group blog is and at least one recent paper (links to my papers are available at
If doing this doesn't give you any interesting ideas, this is probably not someone with whom you want to do research so you shouldn't waste time contacting her or him. If it does, send a short introductory email.

First Email

A typical message should go something like this:

From: Flipper Wordsfish <>
Subject: Student Interested in TSU Problem
Make sure your from address and subject lines are useful
Dear Professor Nemo,Greeting: its safest to be a bit formal here.
I will be finishing a BS degree in Underwater Mathematics at the Atlantis Deep Ocean University this year. I am considering applying to UVa's PhD program and would be interested joining your Octople Cryptology research group.Briefly introduce yourself in at most two sentences. Don't tell your whole life story. Be direct and clear about applying to grad school.
I found your paper, "A Linear-Time Solution to the Travelling Sea Urchin Problem", on your website ( I was fascinated by your result, especially as I have spent several summers studying the similar travelling sea cucumber problem as an intern at Microshifty Corp in the Attle Sea. You can find a paper about my work on this at specifically what you read and where you found it (people sometimes publish several papers with similar names and forget which is which). A touch of flattery never hurts, but don't go overboard. If appropriate, relate it to your background and interests and briefly plug your work.
I believe your result is even more important than your paper implies, since it can be extended to solve the Travelling Salescritter Problem and thus to prove P = NP.Concisely describe your insight or why you are interested in the work.
Do you think it would be worthwhile to pursue this line of research? If you are interested, I can send you a proof sketch.End with a clear, simple question.
Offer a suggestion on how to proceed.
Flipper Wordsfish (
Closing — make sure to include you name and email address.
Of course, your insight isn't likely to be so significant as Flipper's. But, you should make an effort to raise an interesting question about the work described in the paper, to suggest extensions or applications of the work, or to relate it directly to something you have done.
It is definitely worth taking time to write clearly and consisely using correct spelling and grammar. As with all emails, the message should be broken into short paragraphs, the sentences should be simple and straightforward.

What Not To Do

Never do any of these:
  • Don't send information about your GRE scores, GPA, class rank, cholesterol levels, favorite movies, etc. and ask what your chances of admission are. Standardized tests and grades have minimal influence on your chances of admission and reveal very little about your potential as a researcher. No one can or should tell you anything about your chances of admission based on an email (other than that you are more likely to be rejected now since you sent an annoying email).
  • Don't send a first email longer than a typical screenful. You should be able to get across everything you need in a first email concisely and use longer emails if technical depth is required in follow ups.
  • Don't waste space and time telling me how hard-working, creative and smart you are — demonstrate it with the contents of your message.
  • Don't waste space and time telling me how brilliant I am. The fact that you are interested in joining my research group is flattery enough.
  • Don't make generic statements about being interested in my work or how well it relates to your interests. Most professors have projects in several different areas and can't figure out what you mean unless you describe a specific connection or interest.
  • Don't attach anything to your email. If you want to provide additional content, you should do this by sending a URL (as plain text, not a link). If you are not able to create a web page, you probably shouldn't be applying to CS graduate programs.
  • Don't use HTML encoded email or non-standard character sets.
  • If you are a non-native English speaker, make sure your "From:" address appears using the English alphabet. If you have a name that is difficult for English speakers to pronounce or distinguish, it is to your advantage to use a name that English speakers can pronounce and remember. I do realize it is very unfair for us to expect you to change your name for our convenience and cultural ignorance! But, once you get admitted you can and should tell people what you want them to call you.
    Note that for your formal application it is necessary to use your legal name, so if you use another name in your email communications with faculty, it is important to also provide the name you use in your application so they can identify the corresponding application. This is probably not necessary in a first email, but is a good opportunity to refresh the relationship after you send in your application by informing your contact to the formal name used in your application.
  • Don't use any fancy formatting in your email (including your message signature).

Follow Up

Since most professors get lots of email, there is some chance that even if you do everything right, your message will get lost in my inbox and you won't get a reply. If you don't get a reply after about a week, send a follow up email that politely asks if the message was received and includes the previous message. If you still don't get a response, that's a pretty good sign that the potential professor you are contacting either has an overly-agressive spam filter, or is not someone you want as your advisor.


Getting into a good PhD program is extremely competitive and professors are strongly motivated to identify and attract the best possible research students to their group. At any department you would want to go to (including UVa), the acceptance rate is usually in the single digit percentages. At the most competitive departments, only a few slots every year are awarded to students without recommendation letters from people the faculty know well.
It takes work to find the right PhD program and advisor, but contacting potential advisors directly is your best way to find a research group that matches your interests and goals well and possibly to improve your chances of being admitted.
Once you've read and followed these directions, please feel free to contact me about coming to UVa to do a PhD in Computer Science. Your goal is to start an interesting email conversation about research ideas.
If you find that my research does not fit well with your interests, feel free to contact me for general advice and suggestions on other professors to contact.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

its all about LORs and SOPs...

Its not just enough to submit the distinction mark sheets of your education while applying for the grad schools in US. Also have to concentrate on LOR and SOP which play a vital role in profile selection process of a particular student. According to me these carry weight of 20% from our total profile. So why to give a chance to the university for the rejection? Firstly all our docs are viewed by the administrative department then in case if they found any of the docs are missing they send a mail to us, after receiving full set of docs then they forward the docs to respective departments (CS,ME,MIS,EEE,IE etc). Then the selection panel makes decision by examining all the factors. So be prepared to prepare a well furnished SOP and LOR. If univ founds the same profile as u have the next main aspect they consider is our SOP then comes LOR. Our SOP should be totally different from other student's SOP. Never copy your SOP ink all your own experiences and awards, portray yourself as an all rounder. Don't go on writing Mahabharata or Ramayana just add your pro's in just words below 1000 try not to cross this figure. At last remember one thing the best SOP and LOR with your academics you have the best accepting chances from your dream university.

ALL THE BEST.........................  :-)

new gre-------------> old gre score converter

With effect from august 2011 GRE pattern has been changed a lot apart from AWA section. The exam score has been brought to 340 from 1600 which is maximum marks. Many of the students are thinking that new GRE is little bit easier than older one but that is not a true statement. Case differs in both individual patterns both have their own pro's and con's but depends on individual perception of student. Generally students who takes GRE their score is valid upto 5yrs from the date of examination. So in order to convert old GRE to new GRE some of the students are facing the difficulty in order to minimize their problem the below concordance table which is a genuine piece of ETS has been posted.

New GRE Score Conversion – Verbal

OldGRE VerbalRevised GRE VerbalPercentile  Score

New GRE Score  Conversion – Quantitative

Old GRE to New GRE Math Raw Score conversion and percentile rank.
Old GRE VerbalNew GRE  VerbalPercentile  Rank

Friday, June 29, 2012

visa questions

Its not an assurance that you step to US once u get an admit frm the univ. The very next hurdle is "visa interview" which must be faced with very cautious minds and the worlds best answers and also confidence counts a lot.We are seeing the students who got rejects with great profiles(gre-310,toefl-103,UG-78%) and in the same case we have also seen approved visa for profiles like(gre-292,toefl-80,UG-64%). So with this we can say confidence plays a vital role while facing VI. According to me we must flatter and convince the VOs then the outcome will be definitely positive. Also never think of rejection in your computers(brains) because those thoughts let you down to an unexpected level.

these are some of the important questions asked in VI phrase your answers never try to memorize these answers............

-why us?
-why this univ?
-why only this univ?
-why not UK australia or any other country?
-these courses are also taught in india then y US?
-you have so many baklogs how can u study there?
-ur gre and toefl scores are low justify.
-why spring?
-why only fall why not spring?
-do u hav any relatives in US?

all the answers must be to the point never circumlocute the answers.

bank loans and their interest rates

Finances play very important role in our way to US education. We can just say they are protagonists of this MS play.Out of 100 students 95 students take education loans from various banks. Applying a loan is a very time taking and some what tough process. It may take from 7days - 30 days differs from bank to bank.

 Usually students spend most of their time roaming to the banks knowing their interest rates and other required info for applying for education loan. I Myself spent almost 10 days in search for my loan with good interest rates and conditions that suits me. So in order to minimize your stress reg. bank loans and their interest rates i am posting this info:

Banks providing education loans for international students with respective interest rates.

1.HDFC - CREDILA - 13.5%
2.andhra bank - 14% (as per my frnds info)
3.central bank of india -15%
4.indian bank - 14.5%
5.oriental bank of commerce - 13.5%
6.SBI - 15% (as per my frnds info)
7.SBH - 13%




A huge doubt among the students who are aspiring for US is "If they are not able to proceed for FALL will they able to go for SPRING" answer is yes. Generally students miss their opportunities in FALL due to lack of knowledge of US education system or it may be any other reason. Almost 90% of US universities are now in taking students even for SPRING. But the number is almost 75% low than FALL (if FALL  intake is 100 then SPRING in take would be only 25). So don't be depressed if u miss your opportunity in FALL.

Next question arises for every SPRING going student is "will i get scholarship if i apply for spring"? Answer would be 50-50 chances. This is possible only if u have an extra ordinary profile than other profiles of that particular university. But however universities providing scholarships for spring are quite low. So my suggestion is don't try for spring admissions except in rare cases.(depends on your own interest).

Deadlines, Application fee, Tuition for US University Admissions

Name Fee/ Credit Hour Tuition Fee/ Sem Deadline Fall Spring Appl. Fee 

1 Alabama A and M University $472 $4,249 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Mar $25

2 Alcorn State University-Mississippi $816 $7,345 15-Jul 25-Nov 25-Apr $10

3 American University $1,111 $9,999 1-Apr 1-Sep $50

4 Andrews University $525 $4,725 9-Jun $40

5 Arizona State University-Tempe- Arizona $747 $6,723 31-May $50

6 Arkansas State University $496 $4,464 1-Apr $40

7 Arkansas Technological University Russellville $326 $2,934 1-Mar 1-Oct $50

8 Auburn University-Alabama $745 $6,707 15-May 15-Oct $50

9 Azusa Pacific University $275 $2,475 1-May 15-Sep 1-Dec $65

10 Ball State University-IN $267 $2,403 1-Jun 15-Oct 1-Dec $55

11 Boston University-Massachusetts $1,092 $9,828 15-Dec 1-Oct $70

12 Bowie State College $720 $6,480 1-Apr 1-Nov 1-Apr $40

13 Bowling Green State University $9,058 1-Mar 15-Oct $30

14 Bradley University $580 $5,220 15-May 15-Oct 15-Apr $50

15 Brandeis University $3,625 15-Mar $55

16 Bridgewater State College $630 $5,670 14-Mar 15-Oct 1-Mar $50

17 Brigham Young University- Idaho $2,065 1-Feb 1-Oct 1-Feb $30

18 Brooklyn College of The City University of New York $4,500 1-Mar 1-Nov $125

19 Brown University $9,616 1-Aug 1-Jan $30

20 California Institute of Technology $1,109 $9,980 15-Jan 1-Jan $80

21 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo $756 $6,800 30-Nov $55

22 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona $747 $6,724 30-Nov 1-May $55

23 California State University- Chico- California $334 $3,006 1-May 1-Sep 1-Mar $30

24 California State University -Fresno- California $339 $3,051 1-Mar 1-Oct 1-Apr $55

25 California State University- Long Beach- California $990 $8,910 15-Jun 15-Nov $55

26 California State University- Los Angeles- California $226 $2,034.00 oct 1-mar 1 aug 1-oct 1 feb1-mar 15 $55

27 California State University- Sanfransico- California $339 $3,051 1-Apr 15-Sep 3-Mar $55

28 California State University- SanMarcos- California 

29 California State University, Fullerton $339 $3,051 1-Mar 1-Oct $55

30 California State University, Hayward $226 $2,034 30-Apr 30-Nov 28-Feb $55

31 California State University, Long Beach $339 $3,051 15-Jun 15-Nov $55

32 California State University, Northridge $246 $2,214.00 not indi 1-Oct $55

33 California State University, Sacramento $556 $5,000.00 dt nt yet set 1-Oct $55

34 California State University, San Bernardino $304 $8,136.00 17-Jul $55

35 California State University-Northridge-California

36 Cardinal Stritch University $582 $5,238

37 Carnegie Mellon University-Pittsburgh- Pennsylvania $1,111 $10,000 15-Jan 15-Oct $55

38 Case Westerm Reserve University-OH $1,655 $14,900 25-Jan $50

39 Catholic University Of America $700 $6,300 15-Jul 15-Nov $55

40 Central Connecticut State University $856 $7,727 1-Apr $50

41 Central Michigan University-Mt Pleasant $1,388 $12,500 $45

42 Central Missouri State University-Warrensburg- Missouri $471 $4,239 1-May 1-Oct 1-Apr $50

43 City University Of New York -Baruch College -New York $615 $5,531 $65

44 City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center $500 $4,500 15-Apr 15-Nov dd $125

45 Clark University-MA $1,600 $14,400 1-Nov 1-Jun 15-Apr $40

46 Clarkson University-NY $949 $8,541 15-Apr 1-Oct rolling $50

47 Clemson University- South Carolina $1,238 $11,150 1-May 1-Oct rolling $55

48 Cleveland State University - Ohio $742 $6,674 15-May 1-Nov 1-Apr $30

49 College of Staten Island, City University of New York $500 $4,500 1-Mar 1-Oct $65

50 Colorado School Of Mines-Colorado $1,208 $10,872 1-Apr $70 online & $100 paper 

51 Colorado State University-Fort Collins $1,369 $12,318 1-May 1-Oct $50

52 Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs Campus $633 $5,700 rolling rolling $50

53 Colorado Technical University, Denver Campus " " Same as above

54 Columbia University-Fu Foundation School Of Engineering $1,184 $10,656 15-Feb 1-Oct

$60 online & paper $60 

55 Concordia University-Mequon $480 $4,320 aug 1 (1st sem) $35

56 Cornell University-Newyork $1,822 $16,400 15-Jan $50

57 Creighton University $794 $7,149 15-Feb aug 1 (1st sem) $40

58 Delaware State University - Delaware $762 $6,858 30-Jun 30-Nov 30-Apr $40

59 DePaul University $598 $5,382 1-Dec 1-Feb $60

60 Devry University-Chicago $490 $4,410 $50

61 Dickinson State University-ND $620 $5,583 15-Feb 1-Jan 1-Jan $35

62 Dowling College - Oakdale - New York $700 $630 20-Jul $25

63 Drexel University - Pennsylvania $1,777 $16,000 1-Mar $50

64 Duke University- North Carolina $433 $3,900 15-Nov 1-Nov $65

65 East Carolina University - North Carolina $837 $6,614 1-Jun 15-Oct 15-Mar $60

66 East Stroudsburg University $552 $4,968 1-Jul 30-Nov 30-Apr $50

67 East Tennessee State University-Johnson City $446 $4,014 1-May 1-Oct 1-Feb $35

68 Eastern Kentucky University $370 $3,330 1-Jun 1-Nov 1-Apr $30

69 Eastern Michigan University- Michigan $627.50 $5,648 1-May 1-Mar 1-Apr online-$25, paper-$35

70 Eastern New Mexico $377.50 $3,398 $10

71 Eastern Washington University $951 $8,567 1-Mar 15-Feb $50

72 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach $578 $5,202 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Feb $50

73 Emporia State University-KS $556 $5,000 1-May 1-Oct 1-Mar $40

74 Farleigh Dickinson University- Teaneck - New Jersey $893 $8,037 1-Jul 1-Dec 1-May $40

75 Fashion Institute of Technology - New York $637 $5,733 15-Feb 1-Jan $50

76 Ferris State University - Michigan $813 $7,320 june oct feb $30

77 Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University-Tallahassee $185 $1,665 18-May 15-Nov $25

78 Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton $914 $8,226 gen-feb15 15-Jul 15-Jan $30

79 Florida International University -Miami- Florida $480 $4,320 1-Apr 1-Sep 1-Feb $30

80 Florida State University-Tallahassee $1,181 $10,633 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Mar $30

81 Fordham University $995 $8,955 1-Feb 15-Jan $50

82 Fort Hays State University-Kansas $408(on-campus) $3,672 1-Mar 1-Oct $35

83 Fresno Pacific University $1,197 $10,775 15-Jul 15-Nov 15-Mar $90

84 Gannon University- Erie - Pennsylvania $1,006 $9,063 rolling 1-Jun $25

85 George Mason University - Virginia $1,472 $13,251 1-Apr $35

86 Georgetown University - District of Columbia $2,784 $25,052 30-Jun $75

87 Georgia Institute Of Technology $1,762 $15,855 30-Dec 30-Aug 31-Jan $50

88 Gettysburg College-Pennsylvania $1,970 $17,730 15-Nov 15-Feb $45

89 Gonzaga University $670 $6,030 1-Apr 1-Nov 1-Apr $45

90 Governors State University - Illinois $558 $5,022 $25

91 Grand Valley State University-Allendale $600 $5,400 $30

92 Hampton University $320 $2,880 1-Jun 1-Nov 1-Apr DD or Check of $25

93 Hartford Graduate Center $1000 per hr may $45

94 Harvard And Radcliffe Colleges- Masschusetts $300 $2,700 1-Mar $65

95 Hofstra University $2,054 $18,487 15-Apr $60

96 Hope International University - California $555 $4,995 1-Jun 1-Dec 15-Feb $50

97 Howard University-District Of Columbia $737 $6,633 1-Mar 1-Aug 1-Feb DD or Money order$45 98 Idaho State University- Idaho $733 $6,600 1-Jul 1-Dec 1-May $55

99 Illinois Institute of Technology - Illinois $778 $7,002 1-May 12-Oct 14-Mar $40

100 Illinois State University- Illinois $479 $4,309 1-May 1-Oct 1-Apr $40.00

101 Indiana Institute Of Technology- Indiana $1,082 $9,740 20-Jun $50

102 Indiana State University - Indiana $552 $4,968 rolling $35

103 Indiana University/Purdue University-Indiana Polis University - $5,860 ; Tuition - $11,780 rolling Oct (Fal) $35

104 Iowa State University $939 $8,453 1-Feb 1-Jul $70

105 Jackson State University $232 $2,088 1-Mar 15-Oct 15-Mar $25

106 James Madison University $796 $7,164 1-Apr 1-Oct 1-Jan $40

107 Johns Hopkins University-Maryland $1,994 $17,950 1-May 15-Oct $75

108 Kansas State University - Kansas $585 $5,269 1-Feb 1-Aug 1-Dec $55

109 Kennesaw State University - Georgia $314 $2,826 1-May 1-Aug 1-Dec $50

110 Kent State University - Ohio $1,456 $13,104 15-Feb 15-Dec 1-Jun $30

111 Kutztown University of Pennsylvania $525 $4,725 rolling $35

112 Lamar University-Texas $1,547 $13,919 15-May 1-Oct 15-Feb paper appln $75

113 LaSalle University $675 $6,075 $35

114 Lehigh University-Pennsylavania $510 $4,549 1-Aug 1-Dec 1-May $60

115 Long Island University-Brooklyn - NY $835 $7,515 1-Mar $30

116 Long Island University-CW Post Campus $835 $7,515 july1(wid shol) 1-Nov 1-Mar $30

117 Louisian State University- Baton Rouge-Louisiana $1,179 $10,610 1-Mar 15-Oct 15-May $25

118 Louisiana Tech University- Louisiana $354 $2,766 1-Jun 1-Dec 1-Mar $40

119 Loyola Marymount University-Los Angeles $845 $7,609 $50

120 Loyola University Chicago $710/ cr hr $6390 per sem 15-May 15-Sep 15-Feb $50 

121 Maharishi University of Management $1,304 $11,737

122 Mankato State University $689 $6,203 1-May 1-Oct $40

123 Mansfield University $552 $4,972 $25

124 Marquette University $800 $7,200 11-Jun 3-Oct feb6 $40

125 Marycrest International University $1,877 $16,900 $25

126 Marymount University $655 $5,895 1-Jul 15-Oct Mar 15 $40

127 Massachusetts Institute of Technology $1,931 $17,375 1-Jun 1-Nov $70

128 Massachusetts Institute Of Technology-Massachusetts do do do do $70

129 McNeese State University- Louisiana $492 $4,429 15-Apr 15-Sep 15-Feb $30

130 Mercer University-Georgia $1,831 $16,483 1-Jul $50

131 Michigan State Uiversity- Michigan $797 $7,173 dec ending october $50

132 Michigan State University do do do october $50

133 Michigan Technical University-MI $535 $4,815 1-Jun 15-Oct no applin fee

134 Middle Tennessee State University $941 $8,471 1-Apr 1-Aug 1-Jan $30

135 Midwestern State University $911 $8,200 1-Apr 1-Aug 1-Jan $50

136 Mississippi State Universtiy- Mississippi $847 $7,620 1-May 1-Sep 1-Mar $30

137 Monmouth University -NJ $710 $6,390 15-Jul 15-Nov 1-May $35

138 Montana State University-Bozema-Montana $904 $8,140.00 $50

139 Montclair State University $736 $6,624 1-Jun 1-Nov $60

140 Nazareth College of Rochester $622 $5,598 $40

141 New Jersey Institute of Technology-New Jersey $955 $8,595 1-Apr 15-Oct $60

142 New Mexico Institute Of Mining And Technology-Newmexico $1,389 $12,500 15-Feb 15-May 1-Sep $30

143 New Mexico State University - New Mexico $590.55 $5,315 1-Mar 1-Oct 1-Mar $50

144 New York Institute of Technologu –NY 15-Jul 1-Dec $50

145 New York Medical College-NY $500 $4,500 1-May 15-Sep $60

146 New York University-NY $1,097 $9,177

1-Nov 1-Mar money order or dd$50

147 North Carolina Agricultural&Technological State University $1456.50 (1-2) hours $5825.50 per sem 1-Jun 1-Oct


148 North Carolina State University- NC $906.44/ cr hr $8158 per sem 1-Mar 15-Jul 15-Dec $75

149 North Dakota State University $598.08/ cr hr $5382.72 per sem 3rd week of sep 1st week of feb 1st week of feb $60

150 Northeastern University-Massachusetts $1100/ cr hr $9900 per sem $50

151 Northern Illinois University- IL $452 $4,068 may 1st oct 1st $30

152 Northwest Missouri State University $429.75 $3,868 july 1st 15-Nov april 1st $50

153 Oakland University-Michigan $814.50 $7,330.50 may 1 st sep1st

papeer app $50,Online $35 

154 Ohio State University -Columbus-OH $2,365 $21,285 feb 1st feb 1 st $50

155 Ohio State University-Coloumbus-OH $1340.33/ cr hr $8042 per quarter 1-Jul 1-Feb 1-May $50

156 Ohio University-OH $591 $5,319 15-Mar $55

157 Oklahoma City University-Oklahoma $258.30 $2,324.70 May 31st dec 1st $15

158 Oklahoma State University-Stilwater-Oklahoma $554.75 $4,992.75 March 1st August 1st $75

159 Old Dominion University- Virginia $761 $6,849 Feb 15(priority) April 15 (final) Oct 1st Feb 1st $40

160 Oregon Graduate Institute-Oregon $625 $5,700 28-Sep 29-Mar 21-Jun $65

161 Oregon State University-Oregon $1,742 $15,678 April 1st Oct 1st Jan 1st $50

162 Pace University-New York City $856 $7,704 June 1st Oct 1st March 1st $65

163 Pacific States University $235 $2,115 August 1st Feb 1st May 1st $100

164 Pennsylvania State University - University Park 24-Aug 13-Jan

165 Pennsylvania State University- Behrend College-PY

166 Pennsylvania State University-Mont Alto $1,130 $10,170 Feb 1st Oct 1st Feb 1st $50

167 Philadelphia College Of Textiles And Sciences(Pennsylavania) $746/ cr hr $6714 per sem $35

168 Philadelphia University $746/ cr hr $6714 per sem $35

169 Pittsburg State University-KS $625.22/ cr hr $5627 per sem 1-Jun 15-Oct 1-Apr $60

170 Polytechnic University of New York-NY $1056/ cr hr $9504 per sem 1-May 15-Oct 1-Mar $50

171 Polytechnic University, Westchester $1056/ cr hr $9504 per sem 1-May 15-Oct 1-Mar $50

172 Portland State University-Oregon $414/ cr hr $3726 per sem 1-Apr nov1 for spring feb1 summer, sep1 winter $50

173 Pratt Institute-NY $606 $21,600 Jan 1st Oct 1st $90

174 Princeton University $1,259 $11,333 Dec 1st $65(online)$105(paper) 

175 Purdue University- West Lafayette $860 $7,737 vary with program $55

176 Purdue University-Indianapolis $609 $5,481 15-Mar 15-Oct $50

177 QUINNIPIAC (U) $675 $6,075 30-Apr 15-Sep $45

178 Radford University $806 $7,255 1-Apr 1-Aug 1-Feb $50

179 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute-NY $969 $8,725 1-Jan 15-Aug 1-Jan $70

180 Rice University-Texas $1,352 $12,168 15-Nov 31-Mar $60

181 Rochester Institute of Technology- NY $20616 yearly rolling $50

182 Roosevelt University-IL $709 $6,381 1-Jun 1-Oct $35

183 Rutger's University-(NewBrunswick) $766 $6,901 1-Apr 1-Nov $60

184 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey $9202yearly 15-Mar 15-Oct $60

185 Sacred Heart University vary with program $100

186 Saint Cloud State University $27320yearly 1-Apr 1-Aug $35

187 Saint Joseph's University $738 $6,642 15-Apr 15-Oct 15-Feb $35

188 Saint Mary's University $783 $7,048 1-Jul 1-Nov $25

189 Salem International University- WV $25

190 Sam Houston State University $766 $4,766 15-May 15-Oct 1-Mar $20

191 San Diego State University-California $1,055 $9,497 oct1-may1 $55

192 San Francisco State University $339 $3,051 1-May 1-Nov $55

193 San Jose State University-CA $990 $8,910 vary with program $55

194 Savannah College Of Art & Design-GA $24840yearly 1-Mar 22-Feb 23-May $25online,$50paper

195 Shenandoah University $610 $5,490 $30

196 Shippensburg University $552 $4,972 1-Mar 1-Jul $30

197 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology $489.58 $4,406.00 1-Apr 1-Sep $35dd

198 South Dakota State University- SD $369 $3,321 15-Apr 15-Aug $20

199 Southeastern University $14500peryr 1-Jun 1-Jan 1-Apr $50

200 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale $687.50/ cr hr $6187.50 per sem 1-Aug 1-Dec 31-May $35

201 Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville $590.65/ cr hr $5315.85 per sem 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Mar $30-DD

202 Southern Methodist University-Texas $722/ cr hr $6498 per sem 15-May 1-Sep 1-Feb $75-DD

203 Southern Oregon University $974.5/ cr hr $5847 per quarter 15-Jul 15-Jan 15-Apr $50

204 Southwest Minnesota University-MN $315.278/ cr hr $2837.5 per sem 15-Jun 15-Nov $20-DD

205 Missouri State University $436.33/ cr hr $3927 per sem 1-May 1-Sep $50

206 Portland State University-Oregon $414/ cr hr $3726 per sem 1-Apr 1-Nov feb1 , sep1 winter $50

207 St Louis University-Missouri $885/ cr hr $7965 per sem 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Apr $40

208 St.Mary's University-TX $635 / cr hr $5715 per sem $30-DD

209 Stanford University-California $1124.54/ cr hr $10120.90 per sem vary with program $105

210 State University Of Binghamton-NY $445/ cr hr $4095 per sem vary with program $60 online, $75 paper

211 State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) $445/ cr hr $4095 per sem 1-Mar 1-Sep $50-DD

212 State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome (SUNY) $606.67/ cr hr $5460 per sem $50

213 State University of New York- Stony Brook- NY $445/ cr hr $4,095 per sem 1-Jan 1-Oct $60

214 State University Of Newyork College Of Environmental Sciences And Forestry $606.67/ cr hr $5460 per sem 1-Feb 1- Nov $60

215 State University of NewYork-(Albany) $445/ cr hr $4,095 per sem vary with program $75-DD or with credit card payment authorization form 

216 State University of NewYork-(Buffalo college) $445/ cr hr $4,095 per sem vary with program $50

217 State University of NewYork-(NEW PALTZ) $445/ cr hr $4,095 per sem 15-May 15-Nov $50 

218 State University of NewYork-(Stonybrook) $445/ cr hr $4,095 per sem 1-Jan 1-Oct $60

219 Stephen F. Austin State University- Texas $328/ cr hr $2952 per sem 1-Apr 1-Sep 1-Sep $50

220 Stevens Institute Of Technology-NJ $965.00per credit April 1st (CS)May 1st (for others) $55

221 Suffolk University vary with department.($7,955 per semester) 15-Jun 1-Nov 1-Apr $50

222 Suny Institute Of Technology Utica/Rome June 1 1-Dec $50 

223 Syracuse University-NY $534 $4,806 $75

224 Temple University $790 7110 15-Dec 1-Aug 12/15/2008 $50

225 Tennessee Technological University-TN 368 3312 1-May 1-Oct $30

226 Texas A and M University vary with the department. $75 

227 Texas A&M International University-Ladero $456.67/ cr hr $4110 per sem 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Mar $25

228 Texas A&M University- Kingsville-TX 656 $5,904 1-Jan 1-Oct 1-Apr $50

229 Texas A&M University-Commerce 619.5 4436 15-May 1-Oct 2/15/2008 $35

230 Texas Christian University- Fort Worth 865 7785 $50

231 Texas State University 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Mar $40

232 Texas Technical University- Lubbock $985 $8,862.00 1-Mar 1-Sep 1-Feb $60

233 Texas Woman's University- TX $650.25 $4,641.25 vary with the department. $50

234 Towson University-Maryland $600 $5,400 $45

235 Towson University $600/ cr hr $5400 per sem 1-Jun 15-Sep 1-Feb $45 online, $50 paper

236 Troy State University Montgomery 

237 Troy University-Troy-Albama

238 Tufts University-Massaschusetts $17,526 30-Dec 15-Sep $70

239 Tulane University- New Orleans $1950/ cr hr $17550 per sem 1-Feb $50

240 United States Naval Postgraduate School 

241 University at Albany (SUNY) Duplicate

242 University at Stony Brook (SUNY) duplicate

243 University Of Akron-OH $245.03/ cr hr $2205.27 per sem $35

244 University of Alabama $973 $8,757.00 15-Jan 1-Jun $30

245 University Of Alabama- Birmingham $455.00 $4,095.00 25-Jan 5-Sep 5-Jun $50

246 University Of Alabama- Huntsville $734/ cr hr $5266 per sem $35

247 University Of Alabama- Tuscaloosa $917.67/ cr hr $8259 per sem 15-Jan 1-Jun $30 online, $35 paper

248 University of Alaska -Fairbanks-Alaska $586/ cr hr $5274 per sem 1-Jul 1-Nov $45

249 University Of Arizona- Arizona $391/ cr hr $3357 per sem $50

250 University Of Arizona-Tucson $391/ cr hr $3357 per sem $50

251 University Of Arkansas- Littlerock $475/ cr hr $4275 per sem 1-Mar 1-Nov 1-May $30

252 University of Arkansas-Fayetteville-AR $638.71/ cr hr $5748.39 per sem 1-Aug 1-Dec 15-Apr $50

253 University of Bridgeport -Connecticut $600/ cr hr $5400 per sem 1-Jul 1-Nov $35-DD

254 University Of California- Davis $816.33/ cr hr $4898 per quarter $80

255 University of California- Riverside-California $816.33/ cr hr $4898 per quarter 1-Feb 1-Oct winter july1 $75-DD

256 University of California, Berkeley $816.33/ cr hr $7347 per sem $80

257 University of California, Irvine $816.33/ cr hr $7347 per sem vary with program $80

258 University of California, Santa Barbara $544.22/ cr hr $4898 per sem $60

259 University of California, Santa Cruz $816.33/ cr hr $7347 per sem vary with program $60

260 University Of California-Berkeley(California) $816.33/ cr hr $7347 per sem $80

261 University Of California-Sandiego $272.11/ cr hr $2449 per sem vary with program $80

262 University Of California-Sanfrancisco $1345.22/ cr hr $8071.33 per quarter $80

263 University Of Central Florida- Orlando $997.43/ cr hr $8976.87 per sem vary with program $30-DD

264 University Of Central Oklahoma- Edmond $416.67/ cr hr $3750 per sem 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Apr $25

265 University of Central Oklahoma-Oklahoma $416.67/ cr hr $3750 per sem 1-Jul 1-Nov 1-Apr $25

266 University of Chicago-IL vary with program $55

267 University Of Cincinnati-Ohio $1219.167/ cr hr $7315/ quarter vary with program $50

268 University of Colorado at Boulder Duplicate

269 University of Colorado at Colorado s Duplicate

270 University of Colorado at Denver Duplicate

271 University Of Colorado- Boulder $1500/ cr hr $13500 per sem 1-Dec 1-Oct 1-Dec $70

272 University of Colorado Systems-Colorado springs $1129/ cr hr,( $445/ zero cr hr) $8518 per sem vary with program $75-DD

273 University of Colorado-CS-Colorado $1129/ cr hr,( $445/ zero cr hr) $8518 per sem vary with program $75-DD

274 University of Colorado-Denver-CO $842.56/ cr hr $7583 per sem 1-Oct 15-Jan $75-DD

275 University of Connecticut $1218/ cr hr $10962 per sem 1-Feb 1-Nov $55 online, $75 paper

276 University of Dayton-OH $639.78/ cr hr $5758 per sem 1-Mar 1-Jul 1-Jan $50

277 University of Delaware-Delaware $1033/ cr hr $9295 per sem 8-Jul sprinr08 dec3 summ08 apr2 $60

278 University of Denver-CO $873/ cr hr $7857 per sem summ jan15,winter oct15 $65 DD online, $75 paper 

279 University of Detroit Mercy-Detroit $986.67/ cr hr $8880 per sem 1-Nov 1-Mar july1 $50

280 University of Findlay-Ohio $457/ cr hr $4113 per sem jun15 oct 15 apr15 $25

281 University of Florida-Florida $941.67/ cr hr $8475.03 per sem vary with program $30

282 University of Hartford (W)-CTI $393.3/ cr hr $3540 per sem may1 $45

283 University of Hawaii at Manoa $680/ cr hr $6120 per sem 1-Oct may1 $50

284 University Of Houston- Downtown $395.75/ cr hr $3561.75 per sem $60

285 University Of Houston-Main Campus $523.25/ cr hr $4709.25 per sem 1-Apr 1-Oct 1-Apr $75

286 University Of Idaho-Idaho $560/ cr hr $5040 per sem may1 1-Oct 15-Mar $60

287 University Of Illinois- Chicago $732.89/ cr hr $6596 per sem 15-Feb july 15 dec15 $60

288 University Of Illinois- Springfield $697.67/ cr hr $6279 per sem jun1 1-Nov 1-Apr $60

289 University Of Illinois- Urbana Champaign $1775/ cr hr $15975 per sem vary with program $75

290 University Of Indianopolis $304/ cr hr $2736 per sem vary with program

291 University of Iowa-IW $1075.89/ cr hr $9683 per sem(vary with program) 1-Feb feb1(vary with program) $85(vary with program) 

292 University Of Kansas $700/ cr hr $6300 per sem $55 online, $60 paper

293 University Of Kentucky- Kentucky $448.83/ cr hr $4039.5 per sem 1-Feb jun15 $55

294 University Of Louisiana- Lafayette $561.389/ cr hr $5052.5 per sem June 1 October 1 - March 1 $30

295 University Of Louisville-KY $1005/ cr hr $9045 per sem 1-May 1-Nov 1-Apr $50- DD

296 University of Maine $936/ cr hr $8424 per sem 15-Jan $60 online, $70 paper

297 University of Maryland Baltimore County $967.67/ cr hr $8709 per sem vary by program $50 online, $70 paper

298 University of Maryland Eastern Shore $392/ cr hr $3528 per sem april 1 $30

299 University Of Maryland-College Park $460.5/ cr hr $4144.5 per sem vary by progarm $60

300 University of Massachusetts Boston $406.5/ cr hr $3658.5 per sem may 1 oct 1 (vary by prog) $60

301 University of Massachusetts Lowell $356.96/ cr hr $3212.64 per sem july1 dec1 $50 online, $60 paper 

302 University of Massachusetts, Amherst $461.11/ cr hr $4150 per sem 1-feb(vary by program) feb1(vary by program) $65

303 University Of Massachusetts-Dartmouth $337/ cr hr $3033 per sem june 15 15-Nov $60-DD

304 University Of Memphis-Tennessee $989.89/ cr hr $8909 per sem May1 Sep15 1-Feb $40-DD

305 University of Michigan $942.278/ cr hr $8480.5 per sem vary by dept $75

306 University Of Michigan- Dearbon $575.3/ cr hr $5177.7 per sem april1 Winter aug1 dec1 $75

307 University of Minnesota $880.4/ cr hr $7924 per sem July15 1-Nov May1(vary by program) $75-DD

308 University of Minnesota - Duluth $880.4/ cr hr $7924 per sem July15 1-Nov May1(vary by program) $75-DD

309 University Of Mississippi-Mississippi $274/ cr hr $2466 per sem april1 1-Oct april1 $25

310 University of Missouri - Saint Louis $453.9/ cr hr $4085.1 per sem May1 1-Oct March1 Winter oct1 $40-DD , if credit card submit appl fee payment form 

311 University Of Missouri -Kansas City $774.4/ cr hr $6970 per sem 1-Mar 1-Oct winter oct1 $50

312 University Of Missouri-Columbia $787.89/ cr hr $7091 per sem may1 $60- DD

313 University Of Missouri-Rolla $846.056/ cr hr $7614.5 per sem june15 april1 winter nov15 $50

314 Montana Tech University $802.55/ cr hr $6925.33 per sem 1-Mar july1 $30 DD

315 University of Montana, Bozeman $762.95/ cr hr $7294.15 per sem may15 1-Oct 1-Feb $50online. $60 paper

316 University of Nebraska at Omaha $507.25/ cr hr $4565.5 per sem vary by program $45

317 University of Nebraska, Lincoln $604/ cr hr $5436 per sem March1 Sep1 1-feb(for aid Jan7) $45

318 University of Nevada-Las Vegas $600.56/ cr hr $5405 per sem vary by program $95

319 University Of Nevada-Reno $801.89/ cr hr $7217 per sem 1-Feb 1-Oct through out year but for asstship $95

320 University of New Hampshire $907/ cr hr $8163 per sem 1-Apr $60

321 University Of New Haven-West Haven $630/ cr hr $5670 per sem may31 15-Jan winter oct15(for asstship) $50-DD

322 University Of New Mexico-Albuquerue $203.3/ cr hr $5760.45 per sem March1 August1 1-Jan $50-DD

323 University Of New Orleans $574.22/ cr hr $5168 per sem 1-Jun 1-Oct 1-Mar $40

324 University Of North Carolina- Chapel Hill $1033.94/ cr hr $9305.5 per sem jan1 depends on availability of seats $73

325 University Of North Carolina- Charlotte $732.278/ cr hr $6599.5 per sem may1 1-Oct $55-DD

326 University Of North Dakota-Grand Forks $650.1/ cr hr $5851 per sem vary by program $35

327 University Of North Texas-Denton $687.78/ cr hr $6190 per sem vary by program $75

328 University of Northern Iowa $855.11/ cr hr $7696 per sem april1(feb1 for asstship) 1-Oct 1-Feb $50-DD

329 University Of Notre Dame-Indiana $1921.11/ cr hr $17290 per sem Vary $50

330 University of Oklahoma $618.10/ cr hr $5562.9 per sem 1-Apr 1-Sep 1-Feb $90

331 University Of Oklahoma-Norman $618.10/ cr hr $5562.9 per sem 1-Apr 1-Sep 1-Feb $90

332 University of Oregon $548/ cr hr $4932 per sem vary by program $50

333 University of Pennsylvania $2129/ cr hr $19161 per sem 1-Jun 1-Nov $70

334 University Of Pittsburgh $1717.11/ cr hr $15454 per sem 1-mar- 1-Jul 1-feb- $50 DD

335 University Of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus

$2619 per sem 291/ch 15-Feb Sep15 15-Feb $20 late $30

336 University Of Rhode Island-Kingston $1058/ cr hr $9522 per sem vary by program $50 DD

337 University of Rochester $988/ cr hr $8892 per sem 1-Jan No Application fee

338 University of San Francisco $1005/ cr hr $9045 per sem June15 November 15 (rolling) $55

339 University Of Sciences- Philadelphia $1123/ cr hr $10107 per sem may 1 jan11 $50

340 University Of South Alabama-Mobile $352/ cr hr $3168 per sem July1 1-Nov April1 $35

341 University Of South Carolina –Columbia $1065.56/ cr hr $9590 per sem May1 Sep1 March1 $40

342 University of South Dakota $369.3/ cr hr $3323.7 per sem June1 : Oct15 March1 $35

343 University Of South Florida-Tampa $897.083/ cr hr $8073.747 per sem jan2 july 1 jan2 $30

344 University Of Southern California- Los Angels $1185/ cr hr $10665 per sem vary by program

345 University Of Southern California-California $1185/ cr hr $10665 per sem “ “ Rolling admissions 

346 University of Southern Maine $844/cr hr $7596 per sem vary by program $50

347 University Of Southern Mississippi- Hattiesburg $649.56/ cr hr $5846 per sem June1 1-Oct 1-Mar $30

348 University of Southwestern Louisiana $561.389/ cr hr $5052.5 per sem June 1 October 1 - March 1 $30

349 University Of St.Thomas-Minnesota $1360/ cr hr $12240 per sem may1 oct1 (vary with program) $30

350 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, The $553/ cr hr $4981 per sem july1 1-Nov $35-DD

351 University Of Tennessee-Knoxville $664/ cr hr $5976 per sem 1-Feb june15 1-Nov $35

352 University Of Texas - San Antonio $742.2/ cr hr $6680 per sem April 1 Sept 1 March 1 $80 online $80 paper 

353 University Of Texas- Arlington $583.89/cr hr $5255 per sem apr7 sep8 jan10(vary with program) $60

354 University of Texas at Austin $581/ cr hr $5229 per sem vary with program $75

355 University of Texas ElPaso-UTEP $449.7 /cr hr $4047.3 per sem 1-Mar 1-Sep march1 $65

356 University Of Texas- Dallas $1209/ cr hr $6316 per sem july 01 08 sep1 march1 $100

357 University Of Texas Houstan-Health Science Center $1091.67/ cr hr $9825 per sem 15-Dec $30

358 University Of Texas South Western Medical Centre At Dallas $2391 per sem vary by program No Application fee

359 University of Texas-Panamerica- TX $944.4/ cr hr $8500 per sem -July1 -1-nov Sum1- Apr1 Sum2-May 1 $35

360 University of Toledo $9319.8/sem(12 cr hr's) sep21 feb9 jun1 $45

361 University of Tulsa $778 per cr hr*9 $7002 per sem 15-Jan $40

362 University Of Utah-Utah $496.21/cr hr $4465.89 per sem April 1 Nov 1 March 15 $65

363 University of Vermont $1096/ cr hr $9864 per sem apr1 mar1(F) $40 if online else $55

364 University Of Virginia $1245.5/ cr hr $11209 pe sem March1(feb 1 for aid) 1-Oct Mar1(feb 1 for aid)(vary by program) $60

365 University Of Washington-Washington $1022.5/ cr hr $9202.5 per sem international students nov1(vary by program) $50 online 

366 University Of West Florida- Pensacola $885/ cr hr $7965 per sem June 1 1-Oct March 1 $30

367 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee $1249.8/ cr hr $11249 per sem vary by program (atlest 9 months before desired term) $85

368 University Of Wisconsin-Madison $1384.026/ cr hr $12456.24 per sem Dec16 May 12 Aug 25 $45

369 University Of Wyoming- Laramie $470/cr hr $4230 per sem June1 1-Oct March 1(vary by program) $50

370 University of Nevada, Las Vegas $6925.55 per sem May1 1-Oct (vary by program) $75

371 UOF HOUSTON (UP) $523.25/ cr hr $4709.25 per sem april 1 1-Oct (vary by program) $75

372 Utah State University- Logan $633.356/ cr hr $5700.21 per sem June15 Oct15 March15 (vary by program) $55 new 

373 Vanderbilt University-Tennessee $8147 per sem 15-Jan $40

374 Villanova University-PY $4590 per sem vary by program $50

375 Virginia Commonwealth University $1972.4/ cr hr $17752 per sem 1-Jan sep1 $50

376 Virginia Commonwealth University $1972.4/ cr hr $17752 per sem 1-Jan sep1 $50

377 Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Virginia $753/ cr hr $6777 per sem May15 Oct15 $45

378 Virginia State University $649.33/ cr hr $5844 per sem vary by program $25

379 Walsh University-OH $2600 per sem june1 sep30 1-Feb $25

380 Washburn University-KS $520/ cr hr $4680 per sem June 15 Nov 15 15-Apr $60

381 Washington & Lee University-VAri $18500 per sem march1 15-Nov $50

382 Washington State University Tri-Cities $2044.2/ cr hr $18398 per sem nov 15 Jan31 $38

383 Washington University in St.Louis-MO $913/ cr hr $8217 per sem Jan 15 1-Nov $70

384 Wayne State University-Michigan $1489.1/ cr hr $13402 per sem may1 1-Jan jan1 winter sep1 $50

385 Webster University $435/ cr hr $3915 per sem april1 sep1 $50

386 West Chester University fo Pennyslyvania-PY $538/ cr hr $4842 per sem march15 sep 1 $35

387 West Virginia University-Morgantown $1673.78/ cr hr $15064 per sem april1 1-Oct 1 feb15 2 march1 $50

388 Western Connecticut State University- Danbury $250.72 per cr hr $2256.5 per sem vary by dept $50

389 Western Illinois University-IL $433.4/cr hr $3900.6 per sem 1-Jun 1-Nov 1-Apr $30

390 Western Kentucky University- Bowling Green $943/ cr hr $8487 per sem april1 sep1 $35

391 Western Michigan University- Kalamazoo $730.18/cr hr $6571.62 per sem april 1 aug1 1-Jan $100

392 Wichita State University-Kansas $532.8/ cr hr $4795.2 per sem april1 aug1 $50

393 Widener University- Chester $1533.3/ cr hr $13800 per sem april1 sep1 1-Feb $25 (vary with program) 

394 Wilkes University- Wilkes-Barre $1912/ cr hr $17208 per sem may15(may1 for aid) dec15 (dec1 for aid) rolling $40

395 William Paterson University- NJ $1598/cr hr $14382 per sem $50 rolling admissions 

396 Worcester Polytechnic Institute-Massachusetts $1912/ cr hr $17208 per sem 1-Feb 1-Apr $70

397 Wright State University- Dayton $702.33/ cr hr $4214/Quarter march1 1-Oct dec1 winter july1 $25 Rolling Admissions 

398 Xavier University of Louisiana $220/cr hr $1980 per sem july1 dec1 may1 $30

399 Yale University $1516.67/ cr hr $13650 per sem 1-Mar 1-Sep 1-Mar $85

400 Youngstown State University-OH $307.12/cr hr $2764.08 per sem april 15 sep-15 $75 DD.