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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tips to crack VI ...........

The very next thing u prepare once u get an admit from ur dream univ is visa interview. Its not that easy if u are not aware of some important tips. VOs are there to give u visa until and unless ur profile is weak or presentation is dull. I have seen the case where a student has been rejected with a profile(GRE-1370 TOEFL-102 UG-79%) because of confidence levels and due to his presentation. So guys never giv a chance to consulate officers to eradicate u from embassy even though u have a very gud profile. Try to flatter them with your talkative skills project all ur positives first in front of VO. Never avert ur sight from VO always maintain a good eye contact.

These are some of the tips that u must be accustomed with and will help u definitely in obtaining an F-1.

F-1 Visa
Embassy Interview Tips
When you apply for an F-1 visa at an American embassy or consulate, a consular official
will interview you. The interview usually lasts only two or three minutes. It is good to
understand that the main purpose of the visa interview is for you to show strong reasons
why you WILL RETURN to your home country after finishing your academic program.
You can reassure the consular officials by talking about the things that tie you to your
home: family, property, and job opportunities when you return home.
Here are some specific suggestions to help you prepare for your visa interview:
1. You need to know and show what you will do with your degree from a U.S.
institution (or, if you want to attend an English language program, with your better
English) when you return home. You need to have good (plausible) future plans in
your own country.  You should know what the job situation is in your field in your
home country.
2.  You may be asked how you or your family will pay for your education at St. Norbert
College.  Be prepared to show the visa officer your parents’ bank books, not just bank
3.  You may be asked why you want to go to such a “small” or “unknown” college. Be
prepared to explain St. Norbert College ’s ranking in U.S. News & World Report.
Explain the advantages of a small university (2,000 students) compared to a large
university where you may not get much personal help and attention. Also, discuss the
major field you will study at St. Norbert College.
4. You should practice for the interview with friends. The practice interviews should be
no more than three minutes long and very unfriendly. While the consular officer will
probably be friendly in the real interview, it is best to be prepared for the worst.  If
you do not know very much about Saint Norbert College and the degree program that
you want to study, the consular official may refuse to give you a visa. Consular
officials may think that you are not really planning to go to school but are simply
trying to enter the U.S. to work.5.   If your financial status is an issue, you may want to pay tuition to the school in
advance and present the receipt to the consular official. The official will almost
certainly respect this gesture. Bank loans are NOT good evidence of financial support
for students. Consular officials think that people with loans are more likely to seek
employment in the U.S. so they can pay back the loan.
6.  You should be honest with consular officials at all times. For example, applicants in
some countries might not want to show their true financial status because they may be
trying to "shield" income from taxes. Thus, their financial statements may not show
this "black money" and so may not show enough money for education in the U.S.
      But, U.S. consular officials actually don't care at all if your family is hiding income
from your own government. They will, however, appreciate your honesty and be
much more likely to grant the visa if they know your true financial status.
      Conversely, if the consular officials believe that you are lying or have lied in a
previous interview--about anything--they will probably not issue the visa.
This page is adapted from the Oregon State University English Language Institute

-Be in your best attire.
-Don't wear dark colored shirts.
-Don't wear sport watches.
-Avoid wearing half-sleeves.
-Have a mild perfume.
-Trim ur hair perfectly don't be too hairy or small hair.
-Carry harmonium type folder arrange documents according to preference.
-Never talk to front or back persons in a line which will droop ur confidence levels.
- Have a light breakfast.
-Avoid beverages,fruit juices are fine.
-Be at embassy at least 30mins prior to ur appointment time.
-Never be more talkative or be too taciturn be moderate.
-Don't go with fancy beard or hair styles.
-Don't be too goldy too.
-No need of blazer.

ATB guys one can get VISA if the confidence is being maintained. According to me confidence comes first then comes ur presentation last but not least is ur profile..........GO VI WITH EASE THEN CRACKING VISA WILL BE VERY EASY.

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